Arachnophobia Fun (If You Say So) :)

Last night, I was driving to pick up my son and noticed a police car behind me, no worries, except that I was in my pj’s!  All was good. Soon after, I watched a spider gracefully crawl across the windshield in front of me INSIDE the car! For those of you who know me well, know that I’ve grown up with arachnophobia. However, I’ve matured, really, I have.  Although, I didn’t want the darn spider dropping on me as I was driving! BIG distraction (next to cell phones)!

So, while trying to focus on oncoming traffic, the cop and the spider without crashing, I began having a hot flash! Yikes, well, turning in the nearest left turn lane, I killed the spider, as it became too close for comfort (sorry to whomever).  I wanted to get out at the gas station and throw the tissue away, but realized I had my pj’s on.

Instead, I tossed the trash bag (sure the spider was in it) to the back of my crv (great shot) and continued on my journey to pick up my son. The funny thing is I always keep the windows closed up tight and the creepy crawlies still manage to get in and torment me! I just have to say….why me? 🙂   

I wrote this poem when my phobia was most apparent (many years ago)!

Laughing Spiders

Why did God create
creepy, crawly things
I still don’t understand
all the goodness they bring

Some I don’t mind
they’re actually okay

but spiders are bugs
I honestly hate

They creep around
in places I don’t know
with every little leg they have
they’re always on the go

In the kitchen, in the closet
in my bedroom, too
no matter where, they startle me
as if they’re saying, “BOO!”

I’ll have to tolerate them
although I have some doubt
I’ve only one request
that they just stay OUT!

Have a wonderful (creepy) weekend, Everyone!

62 thoughts on “Arachnophobia Fun (If You Say So) :)

  1. Yes, I too have almost wrecked my car due to a nasty spider, but never while in my pj’s. I do remember once being pulled over by a cop while taking my son to school, and I was dressed in my pj’s and robe. Lucky me, guess he thought I was already having a bad enough day that he didn’t give me a ticket, and never mentioned my attire!

  2. Lauren you would not like living on the lower mainland. Perhaps because of the rain forest climate we have a lot of spiders here – all sizes. The ones I find most disturbing are the wolf spiders. They are sometimes 3 inches across. They don’t bite – they are just unpleasant looking. And they love to hide in dark corners of the house. Virginia

    1. You’re right, Virginia, I would probably have a constant case of the “heebie-jeebies!” I don’t like those wolf spiders and my phobia isn’t because they’ll hurt me…most of them are harmless, they’re just creepy! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Linda! As I told Virginia, most are harmless, they’re just fast and creepy and always in my “space” no one else’s. Isn’t that funny or is it my imagination? 🙂 Love the cat watching! Sending calming hugs!

    1. Awww..thanks, Martha, you made me smile! I will admit that I do “save” spiders now, if the situation deems possible…so I have matured; that is proof! 🙂 Have a great critter free wknd, too!

  3. Anonymous

    Better you than me. Got two black widows under a patio chair in my weekly spider patrol last week. Yuck! Can’t have them in the yard with the little doggies. Couldn’t live in the lower mainland either. I think many women drive quick trips in their pjs and cops are probably used to it! Susie

  4. parrotlvr

    I visualized it completely. Next time you’re down here you can accompany me on a nightly spider patrol. Got two black widows on a patio chair last week.

  5. joetwo

    When I worked in Japan there were these spiders who would build webs that crossed the footpath and then sit, right in the middle, looking at you. The number of times I walked straight through them. Not very pleasant at all!

  6. Amazing post Lauren, and i just came out of my backyard where there are a numerous number of spiders some pretty large with webs that seem to hand from the house to trees. I love them but here in Jersey we seem to have more than our share this year. Riding in PJ’s, and hot flashes, you are too much!!! LOL! Have a wonderful weekend…really enjoyed your post!

    1. Thanks, Wendell, I’m glad you enjoyed this one! I thought it would be fun to share my silly spider encounter! I can’t imagine “your” spiders with webs from house to the trees, though…I have goosebumps, just thinking about it! What can I say? The combination was crazy with the cops, pj’s, spider and hot flashes! Good for a laugh! I wish you a great weekend, too!

  7. reneeboomer

    Spiders are gross!! YES!! ‘wolf-spiders’ where I live too!! I do NOT like spiders. Did you know that chestnuts keep spiders away? Don’t forget to put a few pin holes in the chestnuts. I have scattered chest nuts all throughout my house and have kept spiders to a minimum.

  8. Rev Dani Lynn

    That’s funny. I actually have the Spiderman movie on in the background while I’m working on the computer right now. – I happen to like spiders. 🙂

  9. Pingback: Spider: Self Sufficiency, Balance « Spiritual Mysticism

  10. Pingback: A Short Post In Which I Try To Distract Myself From The Spider On My Wall « One Eyebrow Raised

  11. Dad

    Lauren- all I can say is that THE SPIDER has finally caught up to you after all these years! Do you think it’s the SAME SPIDER? Luv, Dad

  12. Good poem and writeup Lauren. I too, can’t stand spiders (and all insects actually.) Every spring I go to Home Depot and get the insect repellent for houses and spray the exterior. Something that helped me some though, is my overnight hikes in the state game land. Insects are unavoidable in the woods so I eventually just accept that I have to live with them 🙂

    1. Thanks so much, Scott! After moving to Nor. Cal, over ten years ago, I had to overcome my fear or seek professional help! 🙂 There are many spiders along with the beautiful greenery! Needless to say, I’ve survived and have come along way, but not 100%! We love hiking and camping, too, so I agree with you there! 🙂

  13. What a rough day you had picking up your son…I don’t like spiders either, Lauren. I love the poem too! 🙂 Have a wonderful and spider free day! Love and hugs always. xoxo

  14. Francina

    Wonderful write and poem, Lauren. I don’t like spiders too much either, even some say they bring luck when they visit your house. 🙂
    Hugs! xoxo

  15. Julie Catherine

    Ewww, Lauren, I got the ‘itchies’ reading this … I am so arachnophobic, lol. I don’t care how harmless they are – if they’re outside, that’s fine, I can live with that – but in my home or car; in my domain … sorry, they are dead …. Spiders, blech, I’ll never be mature enough where they’re concerned, lol. xoxox

    1. You have me cracking up, Julie! Honestly, that’s how I was years ago, but moving to Nor. Cal. opened my eyes! I had to mature or seek psychiatric help! lol Hugs to you and may you have many spider free days, sis!

  16. ha ha ha ah oh my god ……..Ok first things first you are going to be seriously hunted and haunted by all the dead spider spirits….oh dark spider lord i don’t know her …
    Lauren what a funny poem, cant stop laughing…oh god are brilliant 🙂
    big hugs 🙂

    1. I’ve always wondered about those dead spider spirits, Soma, but there are times when “we do what we gotta do!” hee,hee You have me laughing, too! Thanks, Sis and hugs back to ya!

  17. Blood-Ink-Diary

    Well, you have no idea my idiosyncratic fears for rodents ! eeekkkk – this one stays! oh, i also have fear of umbrellas though nothing to do with your post! lol. Soma is right — dead spider spirits!!! lol. You surely wrote beautifully, though! Love to you.

      1. Blood-Ink-Diary

        Yeah…them umbrellas ! Lol. since childhood I have this fear that I shall fly off in the wind with the umbrella !! I know it is utterly insane, but, I am really petrfied by them – especially the big ones ! Eeekkk !! Pls do laugh at this one, my dear Lauren ! ;

      2. I am laughing because it is funny, but obviously not to you, so I empathize with you…whatever the fear, it affects the person in the same way, so your umbrella fear is just as important as my arachnophobia! Wow, it’s early and I hope this makes sense, instead of sounding like I’m rambling! Hugs to you, sister!

  18. Pingback: These made my skin crawl and my stomach heave!!!! | fundinmental

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