♥ One Year of Blogging Anniversary ♥

In the time span of 365 days
so much has happened in wonderful ways
We’ve blown out more candles to celebrate birthdays
added new accomplishments to justify praise

At this time last year
I was nudged in arm and ear
by my son to begin this blog, despite any fear
I felt nothing but alarm, but started in low gear

So with two feet forward, pen in hand
I dove into WordPress and my blogging began
I had hopes for acceptance without a big plan
but I never would have guessed for it to turn out so grand

That publish button was scary, I confess
I clicked it, eyes closed, hoping for the best
Maybe one, two or three likes would be progress
yet, I know the numbers don’t define success

The learning curve is so large, the excitement is tangible
The friendship circle with feedback is expandable
Meeting other dear souls from all over is invaluable
A new world that shows us anything is possible

With a humble heart, a few happy tears in tow,
I have to say “thank you” for helping my blog grow
Your acceptance of my soul means more than you’ll ever know
and I can’t leave out the beautiful awards you did bestow

From my heart, I gift to you something sweet
to celebrate One Year of my blog, enjoy a treat
Indulge, just this time, over there, take the window seat
Without your support, my experience would be incomplete

I’m using pink today in memory of Mom, and
carrot cake is only one of the sweets you’ll taste – hope you like it!
It’s my utmost favorite and yes, it’s a veggie in my book! 🙂
There’s plenty of other delicious treats,
along with yummy healthy choices, too.
So, I hope you enjoy yourself and many, many thanks, again! ♥

Peace and Hugs, Lauren

62 thoughts on “♥ One Year of Blogging Anniversary ♥

      1. Oh, thank you, Cat, that is VERY Sweet of you and I appreciate your kind soul! I feel the same about you and am very glad you’re in my circle of friends! Have a wonderful day! xo 🙂

  1. Oh, how amazing! Your blog turned out great. Congratulations! We enjoy your poems. This one you just put up, is another classical. Many cheers! I celebrate with you, and I’m sure that the entire blogosphere appreciates you. 🙂

    1. Oh, Teecee, your kind words overwhelm me and truly are appreciated. Thank you very much! I’m humbled to hear that you enjoy my poems and that you liked this one, too! Thanks again, and I’ll see you soon!

  2. My goodness, has it been a year already! My how time flies when your having fun! And it was just about the season last year that we meet too. Well, congrats, my sister! You have certainly accomplished a lot of poems, and made a wonderful circle of friends! Be well, and keep on blogging!
    Love and hugs xoxoxo

    1. Thanks for all your kind words, Deb, yes, time does fly. Cat thought it had been longer and at times, it seems that way. I remember meeting you through Scott and I’m so glad I did! Your friendship is a blessing, so thanks again, and sending hugs, too! xoxo

  3. Lauren- This has been a true adventure for you and family- and you have been a success at what you were doing and accomplished. Keep up the blog and all will continue to blossom. Luv Dad

  4. Caddo Veil

    Oh Lauren, I can’t believe how misty-eyed I am!! Thank you for inviting all of us to your lovely party–the balloons are SO Pretty–and carrot cake, yummm (yes, a veggie for sure!). What a fabulous year–I’m so glad to be a part of it with you–congratulations, and God bless you abundantly with another year of adventure and fulfillment!! love, sis Caddo

    1. Thanks for coming, Caddo, and I had to have pink balloons for Mom. She would have loved to be here, too! I’m glad you’ve been a part of this blogging year and thank you again! I wish all the same to you for another wonderful year! Love and hugs to ya, sis!

  5. Francina

    Congratulations, Lauren! Please tell your son I’m happy that he nudged you to start a blog. You have added much beauty and inspiration to the blogger community. And I’m happy we have met in cyberspace.
    Love and hugs from across the big pond! xox

    1. Aww…thanks so much, Francina, I will tell him and your words truly light up my day…I’m happy we have met, too, it’s truly amazing to meet so many wonderful people from all over the world! Love and hugs to you, too, my friend! xoxo

  6. Peg Richards

    Fun post, Lauren. I thought you had been blogging for years. Congratulations and may you blog for many more years!

  7. Julie Catherine

    Lauren, dear friend and sister, huge Congratulations to you on your blogging anniversary! This is an awesome poem – and the best part of it is YOU. You shine through in your lovely poetry and the wonderful hand of friendship you extend to all who have come to know and love you… and I’m blessed to be a part of your circle of friends. Much love, Julie xoxox

    1. What can I say, Julie? You have me speechless…but, sincerely, thank you for all you’ve said, your ongoing support and feedback, which means a great deal to me! I’m happy you’re a part of the friendship circle, too, and that we’ve had this opportunity to mee! Love and hugs to you, Sis! xoxo

  8. Look at all this LOVE 🙂 Beayoutifulllllllllllllllllllllll
    what a gorgeous feeling just being here – 🙂
    siting on Pink clouds with You 🙂
    and Trusting always that all that is Good in the world is right in the heart xoxoxo
    Enjoy 🙂 and smile xx You are loved 🙂

    1. Wow, Cat, your Pink Cloud Days is absolutely beautiful and soothing and so is your voice…THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing this with me, so that I may carry it in my heart for Mom…sending many hugs to you, my friend and sister~xoxo

  9. And what a beautiful year it has been…..your words encourage,inspire,and make us smile and cry ..such is the power,such is your power..
    beautiful poem Lauren
    Here’s is many many more bloversaries…
    Big Big Big Hugs Laren…You are a Gem
    wish you the best ….
    love ya 🙂

    1. Awww…Soma, thank you so much, my friend and sister, for your oh so kind words that touch me to the heart! It has been a fun adventure and I’m so glad you’re in it with me! Big Hugs to you, too, and you are a gem, as well! ♥ love ya, too!

  10. Congratulations! Your poems always inspire. It’s been great meeting and getting to know you through your beautiful words. I’m so glad Copper has a wonderful home now too.

  11. reneeboomer

    Way to go Lauren. Congrats. Love your blog and your magic with words. You were the first blog I ever looked at and am so happy we have met. Happy Friday. ♥ Renee 🙂

    1. Aww…thanks, Renee, I’m glad we’ve met, too! Hope you had a great weekend…my hubby and I had a beach getaway this weekend, which was really nice! Now, back to technology! 🙂

      1. reneeboomer

        YOU are most welcome Lauren. OH! The kind of weekend we would love too. Awesome!! Have a good week. ♥

  12. Congratulations, Lauren! I thank God for the blogging fun and the beautiful friendship we’ve shared here at WordPress. Come to think of it, it was also my daughter who prodded me into this blogging adventure armed only with a pen and very little computer skills. The rest is history that brought each of us together. So cheers for now, and enjoy your party, with wishes for more bright blogging days ahead! Love you, my sis!

  13. I come late to the celebration here, Lauren, but still I congratulate you and thank you too for venturing into the blogging unknown and blessing me with your friendship. I echo your words because I really cannot say them better: ‘Your acceptance of my soul means more than you’ll ever know and I can’t leave out the beautiful awards you did bestow.’

  14. Congrats Lauren, it has been a pleasure to join you on your journey with blogging. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your poetry. Thank you for supporting my blog. I appreciate it.
    God bless xox

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