Laugh Lines – Haiku

as the mirror meets

her gaze, she sees them, clearly –

wisdom or old age?

© LScott

(Of course, “she” is used in general terms,
as this can be for men, too.
Just some simple thoughts on aging,
our reactions and what we’ll do about it,
if anything.
Me? I won’t do anything; no desire,
but I will pray (really hard) to age gracefully.
🙂 🙂

23 thoughts on “Laugh Lines – Haiku

  1. I see new lines all the time in the mirror. Washing the mirror doesn’t help either. 😉
    Keep those lines and any new ones you get, Lauren. They each tell a story. 🙂
    Have a lovely weekend, my friend!

    1. I’ve tried washing the mirror, too…maybe we’re using the wrong product! 🙂 Yes, they each do tell a story, thanks, Deb, and you do the same! Have a lovely day! Many hugs! xoxo

  2. laugh lines/wrinkles are simply street maps to the heart and I cannot imagine you aging any more beautifully or gracefully, inside and out. Thanks for expressing your heart Lauren.

  3. I see no wrinkles on her face, only the lines of our lives together — others might read those lines but will never share the secrets hidden within — it is hers and mine — for eternity.

  4. Excellent verse Lauren – full of wisdom! I think about his often too… trying hard to embrace the concept of grace and aging – wisdom lines – yes!! x RL

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