Saturday – Acrostic

Sunrise calls early, an

alarm, golden, intense

tickling with its rays, sending an

undercurrent to venture outside and

renew spirits with beauty surrounding,

diving into soothing ocean’s song,

abandoning heavy burdens in mind,

yesterday becoming today’s gift


LScott © 2013





31 thoughts on “Saturday – Acrostic

  1. This is a wonderful reminder to seize the day ~ I am reading it at night but will reflect on your beautiful words in the morning ~ thank you dear Lauren!! 🙂 x RL

  2. Grear start to a Saturday – a whole new day to commit more gaffes – and a long week to regret with embarrassment.

    Now, why did I say this?

    The cynical son shall also rise, me thinks 🙂

    Have a great week ahead, Lauren.
    🙂 Eric 🙂

    1. Thanks, Chris, these are fun and I’m waiting for one from you now! 🙂 No worries on being late, ever! And I do know why and exciting news like yours is completely understandable! HBL ♥ xxx

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